Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine Expo Frankfurt, Germany.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Faisal Saleh Bin Gursain

Memorial Tiba Collage Lahore – Pakistan

Keynote: Natural Cure herbal way of medication with NO side effect

Faisal Saleh Bin Gursain, Memorial Tiba Collage  Lahore – Pakistan


Migraine: Is known as bad headache which attacks both side of head, Right Or Left and remains from  4 to 72  hours  and even more,  the neurological disorders is main reason of the disease.

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, extreme sensitity to sound and lights , smell touches, thintimg or numbness symptoms are differs from person to person.

Statists :

More one billion peoples suffers from migraine world wide

Migraine is 3 rd prevalend diseases in the world


12% of population in the world suffers from migraine

90%  of migraine suffers have family history and unable to work or function  during  the  attacks

Migraine   is the 6th disabling illness in the world

25 % of migraine suffers have a visual disturbance, which remains for an hour

Deprecation , anxiety , sleep, disturbances are common in chronic  migraine

Women suffers from migraine more than 85 %

4 million people suffer from migraine   visit at least every althnative day.

39 millions migraine sufferer  visited about  500 headache clinic   in USA in 2018

The  migraine suffers spanned, more than $ 5.4  billion  for medical care and pain relief medication in  USA (2015).

In the Eastern herbal medicine there is cure medciation for this chronic disease the period of medication 2 to 3 courses of ( two weeks )

There are many  natural   remedies for pain relief ;

- Put half grams of salt  on tong for 10 minutes than drink cold water

-message the head with almond oil

-Take 5 pce of almonds at bed time

-Take half small spoon of tumeric and Crumin ( powder ) mixed with water and apply  on head

- Ocimum Album leaves  tea

- Ocimum Album  leave Past it and apply  on head  Or neck

-take half of apple with some salt

-Tea with lemon juice

- Fresh ganger tea


Keynote Forum

YenLan Liu

Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanA

Keynote: Reshaping happiness indicators to an ecosystem service respective: case studies of Sweden and the Netherlands in green therapy

YenLan Liu has completed her PhD at the age of 40 years from National Taiwan University and lectures in Taipei Medicine University. She involved natural healing treatment based on  natural service system.


Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals (E-BABE): It is a unique encyclopedia involving bioanalytical methods for bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies of pharmaceuticals for suitable method selection with thousands of combinations and searches against these methods. Most scrutinized literature was collected from different sources including PubMed. This database has been curetted using published methods for all most all pharmaceuticals. Required information for regular method development/validation such as IUPAC name, structure, solubility, chromatographic conditions, instrumentation information like HPLC, LCMS detection parameters, sample preparations, recovery details, limit of detection and limit of quantification, Tmax, Cmax etc., for routine application in BA/BE studies of pharmaceuticals was incorporated including official pharmacopeias information such as European Pharmacopeia, Japan Pharmacopeia and US Pharmacopeia. Database includes drug based bioanalytical methods covering most required fields and external database links of important drug portals such as drug bank, Rxlist, MEDLINE plus, KEGG Drug ID, KEGG Compound ID, Merck manual, PubChem compound ID, PubChem substance ID and USFDA. Searching/querying the database is through drug name, chemical formula or structural search by smiles format. Keen selections of bioanalytical methods for pharmaceutical analysis or regular quality control are also possible with E-BABE. E-BABE was built understanding the needs of pharmaceutical industry and laboratories including CROs working on BA/BE studies. Presently it has nearly of 5,000 methods and it will be updated regularly.

Keynote Forum

Bill Reddy

Director, Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC)

Keynote: Acupuncture Cost Effectiveness: Going beyond Basic Economic Analyses

Bill Reddy promotes acupuncture and oriental medicine in integrative settings by serving on the Executive Committee of the Integrative Health Policy Consortium.  Additionally, he is the Chair of the Federal Policy Committee and serves on the Integrative Approaches to Pain and Addiction Committee.  He is the former President of the Acupuncture Society of Virginia and former Vice President of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.   Bill is an avid practitioner of various martial arts, lecturer, and author of over 100 publications and serves on the editorial board of Meridians: Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 



There are quite a few randomized controlled trials of acupuncture that include cost effectiveness analyses, however, very few paint a complete picture.  It’s well known that those who see acupuncturists tend to see their physicians less frequently, take fewer medications and have less surgical procedures.  But more importantly, they take less days off work, enjoy improved relations with their colleagues and family members, and live longer.  US Hospital administrators are primarily concerned with end of life care, hospital readmissions, post-operative recovery, and chronic pain management.  Acupuncture can address all of these areas, and work toward cost avoidance as well as reduction in opioid consumption.   This presentation will outline the benefits hospital systems receive from offering AOM services.


Keynote Forum

Dr. Denitsa Grozdeva

Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria


Dr Denitsa Grozdeva is a specialist in physical medicine & rehabilitation and an assist. prof at the Depratment of Conservative Dental Treatment and Oral pathology and Physical therapy, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria.

She has more than 10 years experience in acupuncture.

Fields of scientific  researches: physiotherapeutic modalities in dental practice; temporomandibular dosorders; integrative medicine;  gas-discharge visualization. 


Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a common term including musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pathology. According to various signs and symptoms, TMD are a big challenge to dental practitioners. Physical therapy as a part of treatment protocols is well known to most all clinicians.

Medical University of Varna successfully develops University medical and dental center and University Center of Eastern Medicine. They both are first and only currently in Bulgaria as a bases for combining clinical, scientific and teaching work, and also integrating modern and alternative healthcare.

A 57-old woman visited the Department of physical therapy at University dental center with recommendations of an oral surgeon. She complained of chronic severe sharp pain in the left temporomandibular joint (TMJ), limited mouth opening, difficult chewing and pain in the left ear. The symptoms had been appeared two months after tooth extraction. She also reported neck and low back pain, anxiety, high blood pressure and insomnia. She took 10 days physical therapy programme, including propolis electrophoresis, electrical cervical sympathetic ganglion block and laser puncture of local TMJ acupoints. We used the visual pain analog scale, range of motion measurement and WHOQOL - BREF for assessment of treatment effects. Two weeks after the end of physical therapy we found out an increase in physical domain of quality of life score only. A daily adapted acupuncture scheme was applied for next ten days in combination with propolis sonopuncture of local TMJ acupoints. Two weeks later we achieved a significant improvement in quality of life including physical, psychological and social domains.