Lazgeen Zerki
Rapareen Teaching Hospital, Iraq
Lazgeen Mohammed Ahmed, anesthetist and acupunc¬turist, received his Diploma in Acupuncture in Malysia in 2010 and his Diploma in Anesthesiology in Iraq in 1985. He has three certifi cates from the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wangjing Hospital, Beijing, China, and certifi cation from the Huaihua Red Cross Hospital, Hunan province, China. From 2003-2007, he managed the TCM center in Bagdad, Iraq; this is the only center in Iraq belonging to the Ministry of Health. He now lives in the Kurdistan area, an independent regional area, and works in the Rapareen Teaching Hospital as a consulting anesthetist. He is currently working to establish a pain center in this area with the help of the general manager of health in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan. This center will use acupuncture to treat pain.
Abstract : Acupuncture and ketamine in treating chronic backache